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Alfred Adler - The Art of Knowing People

Alfred Adler. He is a psychologist who once befriended Freud but parted ways due to some disagreements. It is said that he is one of the 3 great founders of depth psychology and is the founder of the individual psychology school. Among these 3 big names, it is thought that he is the closest name to young people due to his ideas and narrative. For this reason, it is an ideal book to get an idea from one end of psychology and to start reading in this field. So what is this individual psychology? Adler says: Personality is acquired, not inherited. The effective factors in acquiring this personality are our childhood, inferiority-superiority complex, the society and family structure we live in. The book deals with these concepts as the main idea. From time to time, I went back and remembered the events that had happened to me, and I reconsidered them and re-examined and evaluated these events. It was nice to have that feeling. I would like to give an example with an excerpt from the book that personality is not hereditary.

If we trace back an event in human life, we undoubtedly date back to the first day, and we have the impression that everything is innate in man. The reason why we come across common character traits in a whole family, nation or race is because one adopts the traits that one sees in the other, It is to develop characteristics similar to those in others, to take certain characteristics from others and to appropriate them."

If I continue with some ideas from the book, for example, Adler mentions that our organs and our soul are directly related. He states that the weakness of some organs often directly affects the formation of another strength. He explains that the weakness and sensitivity of some organs cause the child to arouse interest and ability in certain areas from a young age.

As you read the book, you will be inspired to know yourself, understand your mistakes and make the changes you want to make in your life. The book is written in a simple language and is written in a style that appeals to the reader. For this and many more reasons, I think it is one of the first books that anyone interested in psychology should read.



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